1@mixin linkIcon($color: #333) {2 &::before {3 content: "";4 position: absolute;5 top: 50%;6 right: 15px;7 width: 10px;8 height: 10px;9 margin-top: -7px;10 border-top: 3px solid $color;11 border-right: 3px solid $color;12 transform: rotate(45deg);13 }14}
1ul.linkList {2 margin: 20px;3 li {4 list-style: none;5 margin: 0 0 1px;6 a {7 position: relative;8 display: block;9 padding: 15px {10 right: 27px;11 }12 background: #eee;13 color: #333;14 text-decoration: none;15 @include linkIcon();16 }17 }18}
1ul.linkList {2 margin: 20px;3}4ul.linkList li {5 list-style: none;6 margin: 0 0 1px;7}8ul.linkList li a {9 position: relative;10 display: block;11 padding: 15px;12 padding-right: 27px;13 background: #eee;14 color: #333;15 text-decoration: none;16}17ul.linkList li a:before {18 content: "";19 position: absolute;20 top: 50%;21 right: 15px;22 width: 10px;23 height: 10px;24 margin-top: -7px;25 border-top: 3px solid rgba(0, 0, 139, 0.8);26 border-right: 3px solid rgba(0, 0, 139, 0.8);27 transform: rotate(45deg);28}
1@media (width <= 767px) { ... }2@media (width <= 320px) { ... }
1$breakpoints: (2 xs: "(width <= 320px)",3 s : "(width <= 575px)",4 m : "(width <= 767px)",5 l : "(width <= 991px)",6 xl: "(width <= 1199px)",7);
1@use 'sass:map';2 3@mixin media($breakpoint) {4 @media #{map.get($breakpoints, $breakpoint)} {5 @content;6 }7}
1body {2 background-color: white;3 @include media(l) {4 background-color: blue;5 }6 @include media(m) {7 background-color: green;8 }9 @include media(xs) {10 background-color: red;11 }12}
1body {2 background-color: white;3}4@media (width <= 991px) {5 body {6 background-color: blue;7 }8}9@media (width <= 767px) {10 body {11 background-color: green;12 }13}14@media (width <= 320px) {15 body {16 background-color: red;17 }18}
1@use 'sass:map';2 3@mixin media($breakpoint) {4 @if map.has-key($breakpoints, $breakpoint) {5 @media #{map.get($breakpoints, $breakpoint)} {6 @content;7 }8 }9 @else {10 @error "$breakpoints に #{$breakpoint} ってキーは無いよ!";11 }12}
1$theme-colors: (2 background: (3 light: #ffffff,4 dark: #1a1a1a5 ),6 text: (7 light: #000000,8 dark: #ffffff9 ),10 link: (11 light: #002375,12 dark: #cad4ed13 ),14 primary: (15 light: #3498db,16 ),17 secondary: (18 light: #bf4080,19 )20);
1@use 'sass:map';2 3:root {4 @each $key, $value in $theme-colors {5 --#{$key}: #{map.get($value, light)};6 }7 8 @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {9 @each $key, $value in $theme-colors {10 @if map.has-key($value, dark) {11 --#{$key}: #{map.get($value, dark)};12 }13 }14 }15}
1:root {2 --background: #ffffff;3 --text: #000000;4 --link: #002375;5 --primary: #3498db;6 --secondary: #bf4080;7}8@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {9 :root {10 --background: #1a1a1a;11 --text: #ffffff;12 --link: #cad4ed;13 }14}
1@mixin hack-ie11 {2 @at-root {3 @media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none) {4 *::-ms-backdrop, & {5 @content;6 }7 }8 }9}
1.box {2 background: red;3 @include hack-ie11 {4 background: blue;5 }6}
1.box {2 background: red;3}4@media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none) {5 *::-ms-backdrop, .box {6 background: blue;7 }8}