1@mixin clearfix {2 &::after {3 content: "";4 display: block;5 clear: both;6 }7}
1@use "mixin" as *;2 3.item {4 @include clearfix;5}
1.item::after {2 content: "";3 display: block;4 clear: both;5}
1$height: false;2 3.item {4 width: 500px;5 @if $height {6 height: $height;7 }8}
1.item {2 width: 500px;3}
1// 高さが必要な場合は値を単位付きで。不要な場合はnull。2$height: null;3 4.item {5 width: 500px;6 height: $height;7}
1@mixin itemBox ($width, $height, $margin:null, $padding:null) {2 width: $width;3 height: $height;4 margin: $margin;5 padding: $padding;6}7 8.itemA {9 // 不要なプロパティはnull。10 @include itemBox(100px, null, 10px, 20px);11}12.itemB {13 @include itemBox(null, auto, 20px auto);14}
1.itemA {2 width: 100px;3 margin: 10px;4 padding: 20px;5}6 7.itemB {8 height: auto;9 margin: 20px auto;10}
1$duration: null;2 3a {4 transition: all $duration linear;5}
1a {2 transition: all linear;3}
1.item {2 width: calc(100% - 1px * 2);3}
1$border: 1px;2.item {3 width: calc(100% - $border * 2);4}
1.item {2 width: calc(100% - $border * 2);3}
1$border: 1px;2.item {3 width: calc(100% - #{$border} * 2);4}
1$border: 100px - 1px * 2;2.item {3 width: calc(#{$border});4}
1.item {2 width: calc(98px);3}
1$border: "100px - 1px * 2";2.item {3 width: calc(#{$border});4}
1.item {2 width: calc(100px - 1px * 2);3}
1$box: "100px - 1px * 2";2$contents: "100% - 20px";3.item {4 width: calc(#{$contents} - #{$box});5}
1.item {2 width: calc(100% - 20px - 100px - 1px * 2);3}
1$spaceClass: true !default;2$spacePadding: false !default;3$endValue: 10 !default;4 5@if $spaceClass {6 @for $i from 0 through $endValue {7 .mt#{$i * 5} {8 margin-top: 5px * $i !important;9 }10 .mb#{$i * 5} {11 margin-bottom: 5px * $i !important;12 }13 @if $spacePadding {14 .pt#{$i * 5} {15 padding-top: 5px * $i !important;16 }17 .pb#{$i * 5} {18 padding-bottom: 5px * $i !important;19 }20 }21 }22}
1.mt0 {2 margin-top: 0px !important;3}4 5.mb0 {6 margin-bottom: 0px !important;7}8 9.mt5 {10 margin-top: 5px !important;11}12 13.mb5 {14 margin-bottom: 5px !important;15}16 17...(略)...18 19.mt50 {20 margin-top: 50px !important;21}22 23.mb50 {24 margin-bottom: 50px !important;25}
1%markBase {2 padding-left: 15px;3 background-position: 0em .5em;4 background-repeat: no-repeat;5}6 7@for $i from 1 through 3 {8 .mark_#{$i} {9 @extend %markBase;10 background-image: url(../img/mark_#{$i}.png);11 }12}
1.mark_3, .mark_2, .mark_1 {2 padding-left: 15px;3 background-position: 0em 0.5em;4 background-repeat: no-repeat;5}6 7.mark_1 {8 background-image: url(../img/mark_1.png);9}10 11.mark_2 {12 background-image: url(../img/mark_2.png);13}14 15.mark_3 {16 background-image: url(../img/mark_3.png);17}
1@for $i from 1 through 15 {2 $tmp: if(3 $i < 10, "0#{$i}", "#{$i}"4 );5 .mark_#{$tmp} {6 background-image: url(../img/mark_#{$tmp}.png);7 }8}
1.mark_01 {2 background-image: url(../img/mark_01.png);3}4 5.mark_02 {6 background-image: url(../img/mark_02.png);7}8 9...(略)...10 11.mark_14 {12 background-image: url(../img/mark_14.png);13}14 15.mark_15 {16 background-image: url(../img/mark_15.png);17}
1@mixin link-color($normal, $hover) {2 color: $normal;3 &:hover {4 color: $hover;5 text-decoration: none;6 }7}8 9a {10 @include link-color(#f00, #00f);11}
1a {2 color: #f00;3}4a:hover {5 color: #00f;6 text-decoration: none;7}
1$normal: #f00;2$hover: #00f;3 4@mixin link-color($n:$normal, $h:$hover) {5 color: $n;6 &:hover {7 color: $h;8 text-decoration: none;9 }10}11 12a {13 @include link-color;14}
1@use 'sass:color';2 3@mixin link-color2($n) {4 color: $n;5 &:hover {6 color: color.adjust($n, $lightness: 30%);7 text-decoration: none;8 }9}10 11a {12 @include link-color2(#f00);13}
1a {2 color: #f00;3}4a:hover {5 color: #ff9999;6 text-decoration: none;7}
1$nameList: top, about, company, contact;2@each $name in $nameList {3 .body-#{$name} {4 background-image: url(../img/bg_#{$name}.png);5 }6}
1.body-top {2 background-image: url(../img/bg_top.png);3}4.body-about {5 background-image: url(../img/bg_about.png);6}7.body-company {8 background-image: url(../img/bg_company.png);9}10.body-contact {11 background-image: url(../img/bg_contact.png);12}
1$bgSetList: top red, about blue, company green, contact yellow;
1@use 'sass:list';2 3@each $bgSet in $bgSetList {4 .body-#{list.nth($bgSet, 1)} {5 background-image: url(../img/bg_#{list.nth($bgSet, 2)}.png);6 }7}
1.body-top {2 background-image: url(../img/bg_red.png);3}4 5.body-about {6 background-image: url(../img/bg_blue.png);7}8 9.body-company {10 background-image: url(../img/bg_green.png);11}12 13.body-contact {14 background-image: url(../img/bg_yellow.png);15}
1$bgSetList: (top red)(about blue)(company green)(contact yellow);2$bgSetList: (top,red)(about,blue)(company,green)(contact,yellow);3$bgSetList: ((top)(red))((about)(blue))((company)(green))((contact)(yellow));
1@use "sass:color";2 3@mixin linear-gradient($color: #f00, $way: to bottom, $percent: 20%) {4 background-image: linear-gradient($way, $color 0%, color.adjust($color, $lightness: $percent) 100%);5}
1.item {2 @include linear-gradient;3}
1.item {2 background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f00 0%, #ff6666 100%);3}
1.item {2 @include linear-gradient(#999, to right, 50%);3}
1.item {2 background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #999 0%, hsl(0, 0%, 110%) 100%);3}
1// Map型を使って定義2$sns-colors: (3 x: #000,4 facebook: #1877f2,5 instagram: #cf2e92,6);7 8// SNSアイコン9.sns {10 &__btn {11 background-repeat: no-repeat;12 // @each で処理を繰り返す13 @each $key, $value in $sns-colors {14 &.-#{$key} {15 background-image: url(/img/icon_#{$key}.png);16 background-color: $value;17 }18 }19 }20}
1.sns__btn {2 background-repeat: no-repeat;3}4.sns__btn.-x {5 background-image: url(/img/icon_x.png);6 background-color: #000;7}8.sns__btn.-facebook {9 background-image: url(/img/icon_facebook.png);10 background-color: #1877f2;11}12.sns__btn.-instagram {13 background-image: url(/img/icon_instagram.png);14 background-color: #cf2e92;15}
1$sns-colors: (2 x: '01.png' '#000',3 facebook: '02.jpg' '#1877f2',4 instagram: 'insta.png' '#cf2e92',5);
1@use 'sass:map';2 3// SNSアイコン4.sns {5 &__btn {6 background-repeat: no-repeat;7 // @each で処理を繰り返す8 @each $key, $values in $sns-colors {9 &.-#{$key} {10 background-image: url(/img/icon/#{nth($values, 1)});11 background-color: #{nth($values, 2)};12 }13 }14 }15}
1.sns__btn {2 background-repeat: no-repeat;3}4.sns__btn.-x {5 background-image: url(/img/icon/01.png);6 background-color: #000;7}8.sns__btn.-facebook {9 background-image: url(/img/icon/02.jpg);10 background-color: #1877f2;11}12.sns__btn.-instagram {13 background-image: url(/img/icon/insta.png);14 background-color: #cf2e92;15}
1// SNS設定2$sns-config:(3 colors: (4 x: #000,5 facebook: #1877f2,6 instagram: #cf2e92,7 ),8 sizes: (9 sm: 25%,10 md: 50%,11 lg: 100%,12 )13);
1@use 'sass:map';2 3// SNSアイコン4.sns {5 &__btn {6 @each $name, $color in map.get($sns-config, 'colors') {7 &.-#{$name} {8 background: $color url(/img/icon_#{$name}.png) no-repeat center;9 }10 }11 @each $size, $width in map.get($sns-config, 'sizes') {12 &.-#{$size} {13 width: $width;14 }15 }16 }17}
1.sns__btn.-x {2 background: #000 url(/img/icon_x.png) no-repeat center;3}4.sns__btn.-facebook {5 background: #1877f2 url(/img/icon_facebook.png) no-repeat center;6}7.sns__btn.-instagram {8 background: #cf2e92 url(/img/icon_instagram.png) no-repeat center;9}10.sns__btn.-sm {11 width: 25%;12}13.sns__btn.-md {14 width: 50%;15}16.sns__btn.-lg {17 width: 100%;18}
1$layer: (2 modal : 100,3 header : 20,4 tooltip : 10,5 default : 16);
1@use 'sass:map';2 3@mixin z-index($key) {4 z-index: map.get($layer, $key);5}6.modal {7 @include z-index(modal);8}9.header {10 @include z-index(header);11}12.tooltip {13 @include z-index(tooltip);14}
1.modal {2 z-index: 100;3}4.header {5 z-index: 20;6}7.tooltip {8 z-index: 10;9}
1@use 'sass:math';2 3$baseFontSize: 16;4html {5 font-size: $baseFontSize + px;6}7@function rem($pixels, $context: $baseFontSize) {8 @return math.div($pixels, $context) * 1rem;9}
1.text {2 font-size: rem(12);3}
1.text {2 font-size: 0.75rem;3}
1.text {2 font-size: rem(14, 12);3}
1.text {2 font-size: 1.1666666667rem;3}